Connections Week

During Connections Week, dedicated workers and volunteers from across the sector connect with people sleeping rough in Adelaide’s inner city to get to know them by name and better understand their needs.
Adelaide’s first Connections Week was held in 2018 with a team of over 200 dedicated workers and volunteers who engaged with 143 people sleeping rough in the inner city. From the first Connections Week, the Adelaide Zero Project established Adelaide’s first By-Name List and actively tracked the number of people sleeping rough in the inner city to coordinate and prioritise housing and support. Every month we publicly release this information on our dashboard to ensure we collectively understand the problem and are accountable for addressing it.
Connections Week was a collaborative effort by Hutt St Centre, Don Dunstan Foundation, Neami and other Adelaide Zero Project Partners.
The second annual Connections Week was held May 20 – 24 2019 and 280 volunteers connected with those sleeping rough in the inner city. The 2019 Community Briefing was held Thursday 23 May 2019 and provided an overview of results found during this year’s Connections Week.
To view David Pearson’s presentation from the 2019 Community Briefing, please click here.
To view Ian Cox’s presentation from the 2019 Community Briefing, please click here.